Stamped Cross Stitch

Discover our unique collection of cross stitch kits! Easy and original, halfway between traditional embroidery and diamond painting, our guided method will allow you to start your creations serenely with a ready-to-embroider cross-stitch pattern.

Whether you're looking for a modern, contemporary design or a cat, flower, or artwork design, you'll find plenty of cross-stitch ideas here.

These beautiful designs are perfect for artists of all levels, from beginners to experts. Whether you want to create an original object or add a personal touch to your home decor, these designs are sure to please. So grab your needle and thread and start stitching! 

The history of cross stitching

Cross stitch embroidery has a long and rich history: it is thought to have originated in China around the 6th century AD before rapidly becoming popular throughout Europe in the Middle Ages. Historical records show that this method often produced elaborately decorated fabrics. This made it possible to decorate clothing, linens, tapestries, and other textiles. Later, cross stitching became an art form used to create intricate designs depicting nature, religious scenes, or family crests. While its popularity has waxed and waned over time, cross stitch is now resurgent thanks to its accessibility and modern appeal. With minimal materials required - just a needle, thread, and fabric - anyone can learn to create beautiful hand stitches! 

Figured'Art cross stitch kits for beginners

Whether your goal is elegant simplicity, looking for a modern cross stitch kit, or unbridled creativity, there is no shortage of options for finding the perfect pattern. In addition to style, we also offer a wide range of themes, including animals, flower bouquets, paintings, and more. With so much to choose from, you must take the time to identify what you like best! 

The advantages of cross stitch embroidery

Cross stitch has long been a favourite hobby for many people in UK, and with good reason! Cross stitch embroidery offers unique benefits that are hard to find in other crafts. It is incredibly satisfying and rewarding to create beautiful works of art with your own hands. Still, the projects can be relatively small and compact, meaning you can take them wherever you go. Plus, the supplies needed for cross-stitch embroidery are minimal compared to other crafts!

Another advantage of cross-stitch embroidery is that it is relatively easy to learn for those who have never done it before. With time and dedication, anyone can embroider unique designs in no time. All in all, it's easy to see why cross stitch embroidery is so popular with crafters worldwide!

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